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Partnering with Evergreen

As a global pharmaceutical innovator empowered by AI clinical expertise. Evergreen has the knowledge and experience to run a cross-functional AI team spanning chemistry/pharmaceutics, pharmacology/toxicology, non-clinical and clinical study execution, regulatory affairs and applied IT including AI. The company also has established unique databases, developed its own algorithms and computing power which is a challenge for any pharmaceutical company. Evergreen Therapeutics has adopted a new business form in the international pharmaceutical industry. Under this business model, Evergreen actively engages in the research and development of its own drug pipeline while also providing innovative drug development services with its AI capacity.

Artificial intelligence can significantly improve the efficiency of drug research and development, but AI alone cannot pass the "high regulatory" threshold in the United States and Europe or other major regulatory regions. Evergreen can help customers and partners solve difficulties from drug discovery to clinical process in a "one-stop" manner,and provides flexible, efficient R&D solutions based upon its unique combination of AI empowered R&D platform, comprehensive regulatory experience and clinical development capabilities supportive of global market access. Evergreen is honored to work with various partners from the pharmaceutical industry to support new drug development with "lower cost, faster timeline, with high likelihood of regulatory success.

Drug Development Consulting

Various supportive services and consulting services related to the international drug development


Evergreen provides drug targets and drug candidates with urgent clinical needs, and in line with the concept of cooperation in joint research and development and risk sharing, the two parties jointly provide post-development costs, and both parties share the relevant rights and interests in specific markets.

Licence out
Evergreen provides the drug target and the candidate drug with urgent clinical needs, and is responsible for advancing the drug to the late clinical stage (phase II or phase III), and then transferring it to the outside world, the partner obtains all future rights and interests, and the partner provides the transfer fee and future sales commission to Evergreen as agreed.

Evergreen relies on its own global development advantages to provide unique solutions and customized services for partners including the filing of IND and drug registration submissions in the US, Europe and other major markets to achieve the win win cooperation and success for both parties. Details of the development plan will be tailored for optimal outcomes given international development needs, limitations in the domestic medical insurance payment system, with possible low pricing of innovative drugs in some regions. The expected outcome is optimal recovery of R&D costs and increased success rate.

Drug Development Services

Precise Indication Selection Services

Use self-developed AI technology to provide accurate indication selection and clinical trial design for customers.

Premium International Regulatory Services

Provide clients with international high-end regulatory services (FDA, EMA), including clinical trial applications, special approval policies (Fast Track, Breakthrough, SPA, RMAT) filing, as well as the design of Phase IIb and III clinical trials and negotiations with regulatory agencies.

Overseas Clinical Trial Management and Data Management

Help customers manage the progress of CRO screening bidding and follow-up trials, monitor clinical data and patient status, ensure that clinical trials are strictly executed in accordance with the protocol and the data is true, complete and reliable, and let the clinical research report reflect the clinical benefits of drugs to the greatest extent.

New Drug Project Evaluation

Provide business assessment, competitive analysis, develop risk prediction for new drug development projects.

Technology Transfer

Advising on overseas technology transfer, drafting and negotiation of transaction frameworks and terms.

Business Consulting Center

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